Cavern Mod for Minecraft 1.18.2/1.18/1.17.1

Cavern Mod 1.18.2/1.18/1.17.1 is an interesting mod in the game of minecraft which aims to add more content to your world. Minecraft got popular for what it has to offer to its players over the years. However, if you are used to playing it over and over you will notice that there are too many repetitions which make it a bit boring. That is what Cavern mod has been designed to defeat in the game. With its additions, you will hardly find any repetitions as you will be spoilt with lots of options to choose from.

Cavern mod has been able to bring in different dimensions of caves in the game of minecraft. You have Caveland, Regular Cavern, Ice Cavern and also Aqua Cavern. The great thing about this wonderful minecraft mod is that there is complete uniqueness in the cave dimensions. This means that they are different in lots of regards.

It doesn’t just stop at providing you access to cave dimensions as it has been known to have lots of different features. One of them is that it gives you access to various types of blocks that have unique functions. Also, you will encounter mobs that will require something special from you to be defeated.

Cavern Mod 1.11.2 Installation

This guide will explain how to install Cavern Mod for Minecraft 1.11, 1.11.2 and older versions. All download links can be find below.

  1. Update you Minecraft for the mod version.
  2. Download and install Minecraft Forge API.
  3. Download the Cavern Mod file.
  4. Open the Mods folder, for that go in Start and Run: %appdata%.minecraft/mods.
  5. Drag the downloaded Cavern-x.x.x.jar into the “mods” folder.
  6. Open your Minecraft launcher and make sure to use the profile the forge api created.

Note: If you are still having problems to download or install the file, do not hesitate to ask for help in the comments below, we will respond in less than 24 hours.

Download Cavern Mod for Minecraft 1.18.2/1.18/1.17.1

“All Mods on this site are posted on third party sites, or were not hosted by us, we keep the original download link created by the creator of mods, follow the download link below. If the version that you want to download is not listed in the download links below, visit the official Cavern Mod Official Thread. If you were still not able to find the right version for you, please leave us a comment and we will be providing the download link.”

Download Links Cavern Mod for 1.11.2, 1.11, 1.10.2 and 1.7.10